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About our Middle School Grades 6-8

Students in grades 6-8 are members of a family-like community that supports them in their growth. Academic excellence and a wide variety of activities are hallmarks of St. John's middle school grades.


St John students receive instruction from four core academic teachers as well as Religion, Spanish, Music, Computer Technology, and Physical Education. A wide range of other elective classes are offered on a quarterly basis. Electives include classes in Robotics, Instrumental Music, Art, Reading, Home Economics, STEAM, and other subjects.


The students take part in preparing and participating in the celebration of Mass on Fridays. Students also become faith leaders, planning worship services, and organizing projects to promote charitable donations and Christian service.


SJCS students participate in extracurricular activities including Science Fair, Volleyball, Student Council, and Year Book. Also, many students participate in activities and teams with the Bartlesville Public Schools, Wesleyan Christian School, Splash Club, gymnastics, ballet, weight lifting and many others.

Middle School
Grades 6-8

8th grade selling bake goods at Cooper & Mill.jpeg
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